AD206 Negotiated Project
SWOT Analysis
What section of work did I complete well?
In my opinion the fact that I previously known the
photographer and the model, also the photographer was collaborating with the
model before, which allowed for better understanding of each others
expectations. We new each other life’s backgrounds, characters, tastes.
Therefore the entire process was a very pleasurable and fulfilling process.
The other strengths was the fact that the model’s face and
look was exactly what I wanted for my photo shoot to present- androgyny,
masculinity – which were the features of the typical woman look of 1920’s.
Also the fact that I know the area so well, I was able to
pick up the location which would suit the theme for my project.
The meeting went also according to the schedule, the
punctuality and the effort from all three sides was “there”.
One of the weaknesses was the fact that my knowledge about
the specifics of photography, importance of correct lighting, etc. made me to
initially want to shoot in completely different location. However thanks to the professional knowledge
of the photographer we were able to come up with different ideas for the
location, which would perfectly blend with the theme of the photo shoot and
also enable t make the photographer the most out of the natural features of the
chosen location.
One of other weaknesses I should mention about was my basic
knowledge about the Digital skills in regards to the knowledge about Photoshop
and Photo editing in general, which resulted in huge amount of time I had to
spend on getting to know the system.
Based on the broad research I conducted I expanded my so far
limited knowledge about fashion photography, I found it inspiring not only for
the purpose of this photo shoot but also what type of photography appeals to me
the in general.
The fact of not being able to use the initially assigned
photographer from college gave me the opportunity how to overcome the arising
obstacles. I managed to find the photographer and model on my own. It thought me how to be quick; deal efficiently
and how to communicate with others in order to reach common objectives.
I also had the opportunity to see how the work process
between different art disciplines looks like, = and also to learn from other’s
people knowledge and experience.
As mentioned above one of the threats I encountered was the
fact that I could not use the model and photographer assigned to me by college,
due to the fact that they could not make a trip over to Ireland.
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