Tuesday 15 November 2011

Coco Before Chanel

While doing my research on Art Deco, 1920's Fashion for my Little Black Dress Project- the obvious choice of mine was to broaden my knowledge about the initiator of the Little Black DRess Coco Chanel. 

I read a multitude books and biographies about the probable most famous female Fashion icon, but also had an opportunity to see the movie below. 

Definitely in buy opines this movie is worth giving a try

Directed by Anne Fontaine and starring Audrey Tautou. 

Great choice for fans of not  only Coco Chanel and her life story before she reached the apogee of her fame, but also for fans of Audrey Tautou for the fact she managed to fit perfectly, in my opinion into an extremely challenging tasks of playing the character of such  an powerful woman like Chanel. 
After having read plentiful of books and biographies related to Coco Chanel life, I must say that Tautou’s performance was very reliable and well expressed Chanel persona in general. 
This movie not only shows the life of Chanel only but also gives you a perfect insights into the life of women in France of that era, focus in huge on the emancipation problem that they were facing and the extremely hard challenge they had to undertake in order to brake away from their misery of “men’s world”. 
Check it out!!! 

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